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Figure 3 | Molecular Cancer

Figure 3

From: miR-449 inhibits cell proliferation and is down-regulated in gastric cancer

Figure 3

miR-449 targets cell cycle controller genes. A - Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) of deregulated genes upon miR-449 re-introduction into SNU638 cells showing enrichment for the gene categories cancer, cell death and cell cycle pathways among others. B - qPCR validation of Affymetrix arrays showing down-regulation of MET, CDK6, GMNN, MYC and HDAC1 upon miR-449 re-introduction compared to scrambled RNA controls. C - Western blot validation of down-regulated genes upon miR-449 re-introduction into SNU638 cells compared to scrambled RNA controls. Vinculin (VCL) and tubulin beta (TUBB) were used as loading controls D - verification of direct and functional target binding using luciferase constructs holding wild type 3'UTRs and mutated 3'UTRs (two mutations in miR-449 binding site), * indicates statistical significance in luciferase expression between wild type 3'UTRs transfected with miR449a/b compared to RNA scrambled control, # indicates statistical difference in luciferase expression between wild type 3'UTRs compared to mutant 3'UTRs transfected with miR-449a and miR-449b. "ns" not significant p value > 0.05, "*" or "#" significant 0.01 < p value < 0.05, "**" or "##" very significant 0.01 < p value < 0.001, "***" or "###" extremely significant p value < 0.001

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