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Figure 4 | Molecular Cancer

Figure 4

From: Survivin safeguards chromosome numbers and protects from aneuploidy independently from p53

Figure 4

Survivin controls kinetochore-microtubuli attachments. a: Indirect-immunofluorescence images of mitotic SBC-2 wild type cells, transduced with shLuc or shSurv, respectively. The shLuc-transduced cell shows a normal bipolar spindle assembly during anaphase. The depicted shSurv-SBC-2 cell is dodecaploid and displays abnormal spindle formation in metaphase with a poly-merotelic connected chromosome (arrowhead; inset). b: Different angles of a 3D-reconstructed z-stack of the same merotelic attachment shown in a: demonstrating binding of up to four microtubli from three different directions to a single kinetochore (KTa). MT, microtubuli (red); KT, kinetochore; (yellow); membrane (green).

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