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Table 4 Effect of TMS1/ASC gene methylation on clinical stage (II or III), and Gleason score (6 or 7).

From: Methylation mediated silencing of TMS1/ASC gene in prostate cancer


Number and (%) of tissues with TMS1/ASC methylation

Age-adjusted odds-ratio* (95% CI)


Clinical stage


   II (reference)

28/42 (66.7)



11/19 (57.9)

0.7 (0.2 – 2.1)


Gleason score


   6 (reference)

14/26 (53.9)



23/32 (71.9)

2.3 (0.7 – 7.2)


  1. * Age-adjusted relative risk estimates of stage III vs. II, or Gleason score 7 vs. 6, derived from logistic model ln (p/q) = b0 + b1 × TMS1/ASC + b2 × Age, where p is either the probability of having stage III disease or of having Gleason score 7, and q = (1-p) is the probability of the other category.