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Table 1 CDC25B protein expression in human HCC and non-tumor liver tissuesa

From: Small interfering RNA targeting CDC25B inhibits liver tumor growth in vitro and in vivo

CDC25B protein expression score




(n = 248)

(n = 42)

0 (negative)

26 (10.5%)

24 (57.1%)

1 (weak signal)

80 (32.3%)

17 (40.4%)

2 (intermediate signal)

94 (37.9%)

1 (2.4%)

3 (strong signal)

48 (19.4%)


  1. aSignificantly higher in HCC compared to non-tumor liver when comparing scores 2 and 3 combined vs scores 0 and 1 combined (P < 0.001, Fisher's Exact Test).