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Figure 6 | Molecular Cancer

Figure 6

From: A yeast-based genomic strategy highlights the cell protein networks altered by FTase inhibitor peptidomimetics

Figure 6

FTI treatment impairs the localization of Aurora A in G2-M cells. HeLa cells were seeded in 10 wells of a 96-well plate and grown as indicated in Methods. After 48 hours treatment with 2 μM FTI-277 (FTI-277) or no treatment (NT), the cells were fixed and stained with an antibody recognising aurora A (αIAK1; BD Biosciences) and the cell cycle distribution was calculated based on the total intensity signal in the Hoechst channel within the nuclear area using the ScanR analysis software. Ten wells were considered per sample and 12 images were acquired randomly in each well. A, Representative cells falling within the G2/M gate of treated (FTI-277) or untreated (NT) HeLa cells. B, The graph shows the percentage of G2/M phase cells that have Aurora A localized in spots at centrosomes in FTI-277-treated cells and in untreated cells. Two hundred randomly chosen cells were counted for each condition.

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