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Figure 9 | Molecular Cancer

Figure 9

From: Cell cycle-dependent regulation of the bi-directional overlapping promoter of human BRCA2/ZAR2 genes in breast cancer cells

Figure 9

In vivo binding of ZAR2 protein to the BRCA2/ZAR2 gene promoter. (A) PCR amplification of the immunoprecipitated chromatin DNA fragment pulled down with FLAG antibody from synchronized MCF7 cells over-expressing C-terminal FLAG-tagged ZAR2 protein at the G0/G1 and S/G2 phases. Input DNA (5% was used as control. Chromatin DNA fragments mock precipitated with mouse IgG did not significantly amplified any detectable DNA. BRCA2 gene promoter specific primers [21] were used for PCR amplifications. (B) Quantitative ChIP analysis of ZAR2 recruitment to BRCA2/ZAR2 bi-directional promoter in MCF7 cells at G0/G1 and S/G2 phases. qChIP-PCR analyses were performed with chromatin extracts harvested from cells over expressing C-terminal FLAG-tagged ZAR2. The mean values from triplicate data points are plotted and error bars indicate ± SE. The amplification values are normalized by subtraction with IgG control antibody and then division with 1% input DNA. Data shown were representative of three independent experiments (mean + SE) and the difference between the G0/G1 phase and the S/G2 phase cells was statistically significant (shown by '*'; p < 0.001).

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