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Fig. 4 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 4

From: The long non-coding RNA CYTOR drives colorectal cancer progression by interacting with NCL and Sam68

Fig. 4

CYTOR mediates complex formation between NCL and Sam68. a RT-PCR for detection of CYTOR and GAPDH pull down by ChIRP probes of LacZ and CYTOR in RKO cells. b Immunoblotting for detection of NCL and Sam68 pull down by ChIRP probes of LacZ and CYTOR in RKO cells. c Immunoblotting for detection of NCL (upper panel) and RT-PCR for detection of CYTOR and GAPDH (lower panels) by RIP with antibody against NCL in RKO cells. d Immunoblotting for detection of Sam68 (upper panel) and RT-PCR for detection of CYTOR and GAPDH (lower panels) by RIP with antibody against Sam68 in RKO cells. e Immunoblotting for detection of endogenous NCL and Sam68 immunoprecipitated by NCL-specific antibody in RKO cells. f Immunoblotting for detection of endogenous Sam68 and NCL immunoprecipitated by Sam68-specific antibody in RKO cells. g Immunoblotting for detection of exogenous FLAG-tagged NCL and HA-tagged Sam68 immunoprecipitated by anti-FLAG antibody with or without RNaseA treatment in 293 T cells. h Immunoblotting for detection of exogenous HA-tagged Sam68 and FLAG-tagged NCL immunoprecipitated by anti-HA antibody with or without RNaseA treatment in 293 T cells. i Schematic of the FLAG-tagged full-length and truncation mutant constructs of NCL. j RT-PCR for detection of CYTOR and GAPDH (upper panel) and immunoblotting for detection of truncation mutant NCL with anti-FLAG (lower panels) by RIP with anti-FLAG antibody in 293 T cells with different truncation mutant constructs of NCL. k Schematic of the HA-tagged full-length and truncation mutant constructs of Sam68. l RT-PCR for detection of CYTOR and GAPDH (upper panel) and immunoblotting for detection of truncation mutant Sam68 with anti-HA (lower panels) by RIP with anti-HA antibody in 293 T cells with different truncation mutant constructs of Sam68. m Immunoblotting for detection of exogenous HA-tagged Sam68 and different FLAG-tagged truncation mutants of NCL immunoprecipitated by anti-FLAG antibody in 293 T cells. n Immunoblotting for detection of exogenous FLAG-tagged NCL and different HA-tagged truncation mutants of Sam68 immunoprecipitated by by anti-HA antibody in 293 T cells

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