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Fig. 4 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 4

From: A novel peptide encoded by N6-methyladenosine modified circMAP3K4 prevents apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma

Fig. 4

IGF2BP1 mediated circMAP3K4 translation by recognizing m6A modifications. A Western blot analysis for circMAP3K4-455aa expression after overexpressing ALKBH5 or FTO (left panel) or knocking down METTL3 (right panel). B Silver staining of circMAP3K4 probe pull down products. C LC–MS/MS and immunoblot assay for circMAP3K4 interaction with IGF2BP1 or IGF2BP2, respectively. D, E IGF2BP1 RIP (D) and IF-FISH (E) verified the IGF2BP1 interaction with circMAP3K4. F MeRIP revealed abundant m6A modification of circMAP3K4, normalized to IgG. G RNA pull down assay verification that the interaction between IGF2BP1 and circMAP3K4 depends on m6A modification. H IGF2BP1 knockdown decreased circMAP3K4-455aa expression. I, J Immunoblot analyses and western blot of complexes pulled down by the circMAP3K4 probe with various m6A site mutants. cMAP3K4 or cMAP, circMAP3K4

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