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Figure 1 | Molecular Cancer

Figure 1

From: The p53-targeting human phosphatase hCdc14A interacts with the Cdk1/cyclin B complex and is differentially expressed in human cancers

Figure 1

Differential expression of hCdc14A protein in human tissues and human cancer cell lines. A) The two different anti-hCdc14A antibodies Ab-1 (top) and Ab-2 (bottom) were used to analyze the amount of hCdc14A protein expression in different tissues using two independent INSTA-blot membranes (IMGENEX) containing human tissue lysates. Both antibodies detect a major band of 66–67 kDa size and revealed a differential expression of hCdc14A in human tissues. The blots were then stained with Coomassie Blue stain to verify even loading of proteins in the different lanes (data not shown). B) Equal amounts of protein from each cancer cell line were loaded in each lane and the amount of hCdc14A was detected by Western blot using the Ab-2 antibody. Actin protein levels were used as loading/transfer controls. A tabulation of the results from this figure and from other experiments including other cell lines can be found in Table I.

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