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Figure 4 | Molecular Cancer

Figure 4

From: TGFBI expression is associated with a better response to chemotherapy in NSCLC

Figure 4

High concentration of rh-TGFBI protein increases cell death and potentiates NSCLC responses to chemotherapy. Caspase 3/7 activity was measured in A549 (white histograms) and H1299 (black histograms) NSCLC cells seeded onto non coated 96-well plates and further treated with increasing amounts of rh-TGFBI (A), or seeded onto 96 well plates coated with increasing amounts of rh-TGFBI (B), using the caspase 3/7 Glo-assay from Promega. (C and D) Caspase 3/7 activity of 24 h etoposide-treated A549 (5 μM) and H1299 (50 μM) cells seeded onto non coated 96-well plates and further exposed for 24 h to increasing amounts of rh-TGFBI previous to etoposide exposure (C) or seeded onto 96-well plates coated with increasing amounts of rh-TGFBI before exposure to etoposide (D). Statistical analyses were performed using Student t-test to compare caspase 3/7 activity in treated cells to non-treated cells (* p < 0.05; **p < .01).

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