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Fig. 2 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Correction: circCYP24A1 facilitates esophageal squamous cell carcinoma progression through binding PKM2 to regulate NF-κB-induced CCL5 secretion

Fig. 2

circCYP24A1 exhibits higher expression in ESCC tissue and its high level indicates poor prognosis. a The representation pictures of circCYP24A1 expression in 114 ESCC tissues and 66 corresponding adjacent tissues by RNA FISH analysis based on tissue microarray. b The percentage of circCYP24A1 expression in 114 ESCC tissues and 66 corresponding adjacent tissues. c The correlation between low circCYP24A1 expression and poor patient survival detected by Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. d The percentage of T stage in 30 case of ESCC tissues with circCYP24A1 low expression and 84 case of ESCC tissues with circCYP24A1 high expression. e The percentage of lymph node metastasis in 30 case of ESCC tissues with circCYP24A1 low expression and 84 case of ESCC tissues with circCYP24A1 high expression. f The percentage of clinical stage in 30 case of ESCC tissues with circCYP24A1 low expression and 84 case of ESCC tissues with circCYP24A1 high expression. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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