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Fig. 5 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 5

From: The evolution and heterogeneity of neutrophils in cancers: origins, subsets, functions, orchestrations and clinical applications

Fig. 5

The function of NETs in the TME. Tumor cells possess the ability to secrete various molecules, including G-CSF and NAMPT. G-CSF can induce the formation of NETs, which exhibit diverse biomedical behaviors such as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, capture of CTCs, and increased vascular permeability that contribute to tumor prognosis [133]. However, they can also exhibit laminin remodeling and immunosuppressive behaviors that promote tumor metastasis [133]. On the other hand, NAMPT can stimulate the formation of aged neutrophil-derived NETs with high CXCR4 expression and low CD62L expression, consequently promoting tumor metastasis [137]

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