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Fig. 4 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 4

From: The Impact of FGFR3 Alterations on the Tumor Microenvironment and the Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Bladder Cancer

Fig. 4

Immune Checkpoint Genes and Immune-Related Cell Compositions in aFGFR3. A Spearman rank correlation among FGFR3 status, tumor mutation burden (TMB), and immune-checkpoint genes in 389 BLCA. B Bubble plots of difference in the immune checkpoint genes expression levels according to FGFR3 status. C CIBERSORTx analysis estimating composition of immune-related cells in 389 BLCA samples [15]. D The estimated proportion of each immune cell type from CIBERSORTx in iFGFR3 and aFGFR3 (Mann–Whitney U test; p < 0.05*, p < 0.001**, p < 0.0001***, n.s: non-significant). E The difference in correlation coefficient among estimated proportions of immune-related cells between NMIBC/iFGFR3 (n = 69) and NMIBC/aFGFR3 (n = 55). F The difference in correlation coefficient among estimated proportions of immune-related cells between MIBC/iFGFR3 (n = 226) and MIBC/aFGFR3 (n = 39)

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