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Fig. 2 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Multifaceted roles for BCL3 in cancer: a proto-oncogene comes of age

Fig. 2

BCL3: a master modulator of gene transcription networks. BCL3 has been reported to directly impact on five transcription factor pathways (NF-kB, WNT/β-cateinin, c-Myc, JAK/STAT3 and SMAD3) in cancer cells. The mechanism by which BCL3 mediates its effects varies for each pathway and depends on the cancer cell context. This includes BCL3’s direct protein:protein interaction with, or indirect protein modification (acetylation, phosphorylation or ubiquitination) of, the target transcription factors or their co-regulators; or via binding of nuclear BCL3 complexes to the transcription factor gene promoter. The outcome of BCL3’s modulation of these transcription factors on cancer cell phenotypes depends on the transcription factor pathways themselves, as indicated. We have restricted this summary to mode of transcription factor regulation directly illustrated in cancer cells and further information on the BCL3 interactome in other contexts can be obtained in [16]

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