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Fig. 6 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 6

From: Selective autophagy in cancer: mechanisms, therapeutic implications, and future perspectives

Fig. 6

Lysophagy: Removal of damaged lysosomes by autophagy. TRIM16, UBE2QL1, SCFFBXO27, LRSAM1, and other lysosomal autophagy factors are brought in to ubiquitinate lysosomal membrane proteins in the event of lysosomal membrane injury or even in normal circumstances. Autophagy adapters are then recruited to induce autophagy. Galectin-3 is normally present in the cytoplasm and nucleus but can be attracted to disrupted lysosomes in the case of lysosomal damage. Phagosome formation is triggered by the assembly of autophagy initiation proteins, which is made possible by the TRIM16-Galectin-3 complex. On the other hand, Galectin-8 recruits LC3-positive phagocytes to mediate lysophagy by directly binding to the autophagy receptor NDP52, independent of ubiquitin

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