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Table 1 Summary of RASSF2, RASSF5A and RASSF1A methylation analyses

From: Frequent epigenetic inactivation of RASSF2 in thyroid cancer and functional consequences





thyroid cancer cell lines

7/8 (88%)

9/9 (100%)

9/9 (100%)

primary thyroid cancer

19/30 (63%)a, b

26/31 (84%)

26/31 (84%)


0/3 (0%)

1/3 (33%)

5/6 (83%)


6/11 (54%)

9/12 (75%)

8/13 (62%)


8/10 (80%)

10/10 (100%)

7/10 (70%)


5/6 (83%)

6/6 (100%)

7/9 (77%)

follicular adenoma

0/10 (0%)a

10/10 (100%)

7/10 (70%)


2/12 (17%)b

12/12 (100%)

9/12 (75%)

control tissue

0/12 (0%)a

12/12 (100%)


  1. significant differences: aprimary thyroid carcinoma vs. follicular adenoma or primary thyroid carcinoma vs. normal thyroid (p≤0.001, Fisher's exact test); b primary thyroid carcinoma vs. goiter (p = 0.015, Fisher's exact test); c[7, 10].