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Fig. 7 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 7

From: Effects of tumor metabolic microenvironment on regulatory T cells

Fig. 7

Low pH induces differentiation of T cell into Tregs. Tumor-derived exosomes contain TGF-β, which acts on the receptor on the surface of T cells to activate the SMAD signaling pathway and promote the expression of Foxp3. Tumor-derived exosomes contain IL-10, which acts on receptors on the T cell surface to activate the JAK/STAT signaling pathways and promote Foxp3 expression. Tumor-derived exosomes contain miR-214, which enters Tregs by endocytosis, inhibits the expression of PTEN protein, and then promotes the expression of the cycle-related transcription factor E2F by activating the PI3K signaling pathway and promote Tregs proliferation. PTEN maintains the stability of Tregs by inhibiting the activation of PI3K/Akt to stabilize the expression of CD25 and promotes the induction of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway to maintains the stability of Tregs

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