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Fig. 7 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 7

From: E3 ubiquitin ligase MAGI3 degrades c-Myc and acts as a predictor for chemotherapy response in colorectal cancer

Fig. 7

Loss of MAGI3 reduces sensitivity of chemotherapy by upregulation of c-Myc activation in CRC patients. a and b, Overexpression of MAGI3 increased, whereas knockdown of MAGI3 reduced CRC cells chemosensitivity to 5-FU or OXA. CRC cells with MAGI3 overexpressed (a) or knocked down (b) were treated with 5-FU or OXA in different concentrations for 48 h, and the cells viability were measured by CCK-8 assays (three independent experiments). c, The result of chi-square test showed that the patients with high MAGI3 mRNA level had high response ratio to chemotherapy. d, Scatter plots of MAGI3 mRNA expression in patients with NR and R. e and f, Enrichment plots of GSEA showed that the gene signatures of cell proliferation (e), c-Myc positive activation (f, left) were enriched in NR group and c-Myc negative regulated pathway (f, right) was enriched in R group. g, Scatter plots of c-Myc mRNA expression in patients with NR and R. h, KM survival curve indicated that among the patients from TCGA without adjuvant chemotherapy, those with high MAGI3 mRNA level had a better RFS than those with medium/low MAGI3 (log-rank test). i, The fisher exact test showed that among the patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy, those with relatively medium MAGI3 mRNA level (602 ~ 486) had significantly high response rate to fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy than those with relatively low MAGI3 (388 ~ 196). j, KM survival curve showed that among the patients from Shanxi Medical University without adjuvant chemotherapy, those with high MAGI3 protein level (H-score ≥ 8) had a better RFS than those with medium/low MAGI3 (H-score < 8). k, KM survival curve showed that among the patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy, those with medium MAGI3 protein (H-score 4 ~ 8) had a better RFS than the patients with low MAGI3 (H-score 1 ~ 3). Data were presented as the mean ± SEM, 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test (a and b), the chi-square test (c), nonparametric Mann–Whitney test (d and g), fisher exact test with 1-sided (i) were used to determine statistical significance. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 and NS, no significance

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