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Fig. 5 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 5

From: The FUS/circEZH2/KLF5/ feedback loop contributes to CXCR4-induced liver metastasis of breast cancer by enhancing epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Fig. 5

CircEZH2 adsorbs miR-217-5p. a CircEZH2 exhibits potential binding regions for miRNAs in the intersection between CircInteractome and miRanda databases, as indicated on the Venn diagram. The illustration revealed the potential binding miRNAs with circEZH2. b-c Right, CircEZH2 RNA pull down assay was performed to find that hsa-miR-217-5p was the most enriched one. Left, the biotin-miR-217-5p probe could enrich circEZH2 effectively. d and e Left, the diagram states the dual-luciferase plasmids with mutant (MT) and wild (WT) containing binding regions of miR-217-5p. Right, the relative luciferase activities were determined after co-transfection of circEZH2-MT or circEZH2-WT and miR-217-5p inhibitors or mimics with control respectively. f-h Co-transfections of BC cells with indicated vector, siRNA, miRNA, or inhibitor were performed to validate their viability by colony formation assay, EdU assay (Scale bar, 50 μm), and CCK8 assay, respectively. i and j The migration ability in BC cells co-transfected with described vector, siRNA, miRNA or inhibitor was analyzed by migration transwell (Scale bar 100 μm), and wound healing assay (Scale bar 200 μm), respectively. The data was displayed as the mean ± SD and all experiments were repeated at least three times, ns no significant, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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