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Fig. 6 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 6

From: Circular RNA circPVT1 promotes nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastasis via the β-TrCP/c-Myc/SRSF1 positive feedback loop

Fig. 6

circPVT1 promotes the migration and invasion of NPC cells by regulating cell adhesion and cytoskeleton remodeling. A. Pathways enriched by the 231 potentially regulated proteins by circPVT1 from LC–MS/MS data using the gene set enrichment analysis of the Ingenuity Pathway. B. The stiffness was measured in CNE2 and 5-8F cells after overexpresion of circPVT1. Top: The representative AFM deflection images; bottom: the statistical analysis of stiffness. ***, p < 0.001. C. The adhesion was measured in CNE2 and 5-8F cells after overexpresion of circPVT1. Top: The representative AFM deflection images; bottom: the statistical analysis of adhesion. ***, p < 0.001. D. The expression of RhoA, RhoC, E-cadherin, and vimentin proteins was examined in CNE2 and 5-8F cells after overexpression or knockdown of circPVT1 by western blotting. E. The expression of RhoA, RhoC, E-cadherin and vimentin proteins was examined in CNE2 and 5-8F cells after co-transfected with the c-Myc siRNA and circPVT1 overexpression vector by western blotting

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